Monday, April 11, 2011

The Dog talks about Quotations

Note: This is going to be tough to read.. because I didn't organize my thoughts before writing it. So don't post comments saying, "Dog, this is hard to read...!!!!!" because if you do, I WILL ignore them :) 
Note The Second: The people who will argue how quotes have a deeper meaning and not just what it might seem like.. I know. But I gotta put SOMETHING on the blog!
Note III: I'm using advanced editing features too.. because I have a lot of time on my hands. 

Part I

Okay.. so Quotations are quite dumb. And people who abide by them as if they're principles of science are just a hell lot dumber. Quotations are just thoughts of some people who got popular for all the wrong reasons (Marilyn Monroe, I'm talking to you!) Some quotations can be inspiring, but again, they're either not applicable anywhere in your life or they just seem good to the eyes, not to a problem. Now I'll pick up some famous quotes and try to be funny and witty and comment on them (I will most probably fail, but no one asked you to read this so keep your mouth shut.. oh wait.. I tagged you, didn't I?)

1. "Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." - I've been nocturnal for most of my life, and I've been living a healthy life. I pretend to be wise and that has worked out pretty well for me too. And I don't need to be wealthy because you can eat bones out of a trash can.

2. The richest man is not he who has the most, but he who needs the least - Irrespective of their needs (Which I'm guessing, are by no means the least), Bill Gates/ Mukesh Ambani are going to be the richest men. So how does this even make sense, Mr. Author? 

Part II

On the other hand, quotes are not so bad. I mean when you're low or directionless, reading a quote, interpreting it and letting it take you in the right direction feels quite good. And contradicting what I said above, some quotes really do apply in certain situations. 
The Dog looks so weird speaking positively, doesn't he? Hence, he shall stop. 

To conclude, since this is a quote about quotations, and this post was slightly longer than the usual, a quote- 

                "I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter."

Tushar K. Aggarwal 

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